heres my perplex story.....My soon to be mother-in-law bought the channel paradoxical she was in love with it so I borrowed it and was not impressed at all, in fact after i panted the mani then i immediately took it off. Thats how much i didn't like it. I honestly didn't understand what all the fuss was about. So then i started seeing the revlon dupe in the nail blogs i read. I thought maybe ill give it another chance if i ever see it. I was at a wallgreens like a week later and saw perplex, picked it up, and decided i was gonna pass. and out it back. hahah i could kick myself. haha
A month later i was on the hunt again i just wanted to see if i could find it. i swear i have been to ever store in my area that carries revlon. Ulta's, wallgreens, CVS, Meijer. everywhere. NO LUCK, i was beginning to get discouraged, and think that maybe the polish god were shunning me bc i had passes on it when i found it the first time. haha So on sunday i decided i wanted to go to ulta to see if they had the new katy perry OPI collection out yet. i knew it was probably a NO, but i figured i'd scope the revlon scene while i was there. I walk in and right in front they have some clearance bins....i start digging threw and I find Barielle Elle's Spell and Parlez-vous OPI. i really wanted ell's spell but i was not gonna pay the 8$ that ulta originally was 2.99 and the opi was 3.99 and its being discontinued so scoop it up if you find it. i also got a red china glaze that had some gold flecks i cant remember then name. so im mosing around the store almost done about to check out and then i remembered i wanted to look at the Revlon's, I walk over and i see this greyish purple lone ranger at the bottom of the display i pickit up and WHALLLLA its purplex! i about had a heart attack in ulta! the lady in the isle with me looked at me like i was CRASEY. so i had to tell her that i had been looking for a while. she came over and looked at my color, i dont think she was impessed. but either way i finally have it. its mine mine mine!
so i rush home because i am just feenin to put it on. and i remembered i have the worst nail polish on to remove my favorite none the less MAAH. so i was rushing the removal and didn't get it all. but i put on perplex anyway and i am in love!!! i like this better then the channel one i feel like this pulls more purple on me and the channel one pulled more tupeish. love love love.
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